
'Getting Dressed | Clothing for a 17th Century English Man at Jamestown'

'Getting Dressed | Clothing for a 17th Century English Man at Jamestown'

'Samantha joins us once again with a guest from our recreated fort here at Jamestown Settlement. As Samantha describes the typical clothing of a common English man, Sammy shows some of the amazing recreated pieces of seventeenth century clothing that our interpreters wear.' 

Tags: clothing , man , shoes , dress , english , SHIFT , american history , doublet , interpreter , getting dressed , garter , Interpretation , historic clothing , seventeenth , breeches , jamestown , american revolution , Virginia history , Jamestown Settlement , Yorktown Victory Center , Colonial virginia , For Classroom , James Fort , Historic Dress , Seventeenth Century , English Man , Venetians

SEE ALSO: legtoning , Live , agility , pregnancy exercise , bauch beine po workout , weight , Commando , Workout , prenatal exercise , military

Mar 19, 2023
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